Banks Praises House Passage of 2019 NDAA

Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, today praised House passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019. The bill would restore military readiness, reform Pentagon bureaucracy and prioritize long-term strategic competition. The legislation passed the House 351 to 66.

“The federal government’s fundamental duty is to preserve and protect our nation,” said Banks. “The FY19 NDAA equips our troops with the resources they need by prioritizing readiness and strengthening key partnerships around the globe.

“Under this legislation, our men and women in uniform will be able to counter near-term threats and long-term strategic competition with nations like China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. The NDAA also streamlines several processes at the Department of Defense to increase efficiency and transparency and cut through bureaucratic red tape.

“This legislation, which passed with bipartisan support, will ensure our military can fight and win in any domain on any day.”

NDAA Highlights

  • Increases topline funding to support our troops and readiness consistent with President Trump's commitment to rebuild the military.
  • Provides the largest pay raise for our armed forces in 9 years, at 2.6 percent.
  • Increases the size of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Naval and Air Reserve, and Air Guard.
  • Makes important reforms to Pentagon bureaucracy and streamlines buying practices.
  • Makes critical investments in missile defense and our nuclear deterrent.
  • Makes key investments in critical military capabilities to confront aggression around the world, including threats from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.
  • Authorizes funding for missile defense and weapon systems with our key ally Israel. 



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