Banks: RSC Budget Unites Fiscal and Defense Hawks

Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03), a member of the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) Steering Committee, today released the following statement in support of the RSC’s 2019 budget proposal, which was released this afternoon:

“For too long, Congress has operated under the misguided notion that defense spending must be matched by non-defense spending, and the RSC’s budget shows there is a better way forward. The American people expect Congress to responsibly address our growing debt while also strengthening our national security. The RSC budget is the only proposal in Congress that can unite both fiscal and defense hawks.”

The Republican Study Committee’s 2019 budget proposal delivers on key conservative policy priorities by:

  • Fully funding our military at the Trump administration’s proposed $716 billion level;
  • Balancing in under 10 years;
  • Cutting non-defense spending;
  • Making individual tax cuts permanent;
  • Repealing Obamacare; and
  • Implementing work requirements for able-bodied citizens receiving welfareYou can read the full budget proposal here.

You can read the full budget proposal here.


Interested members of the media may contact Andrea Palermo at

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