Rep. Banks Introduces Conscience Protection Act

Today, Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03) introduced the Conscience Protection Act, which would protect health care providers from being forced to participate in induced abortions or similar procedures that violate their sincerely held beliefs. More specifically, the Conscience Protection Act would prevent any federal, state, or local government from penalizing or discriminating against a health care entity that does not facilitate, perform, refer, pay, participate, or provide abortion or abortion coverage. Those whose conscience rights are violated will be provided a civil right of action.

In January 2024, the Biden administration rescinded and replaced President Trump’s 2019 Conscience Rule, which expanded the conscience rights of health care providers and other individuals. Congress must act to protect Americans who have a religious or moral objection to being complicit in abortion.

You can read more from Townhall here and the full bill text here.

Said Rep. Jim Banks: “Forcing someone to choose between their career or their conscience is un-American and should be illegal. My bill ensures health care providers that value the sanctity of life will not be punished for their deeply held beliefs.”

Senator Lankord (R-OK) introduced the Senate companion to this bill earlier this month. Rep. Banks’s legislation has 36 original cosponsors.

Organizations supporting this legislation include Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, Alliance Defending Freedom, National Right to Life Committee, EPPC’s HHS Accountability Project, Heritage Action, CatholicVote, Americans United for Life, Concerned Women of America Legislative Action Committee, Family Policy Alliance, and March for Life.

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