Rep. Jim Banks Secures Support for Israel in FY24 NDAA

Today, the House included several of Rep. Jim Banks' (IN-03) amendments supporting Israel and combatting Iran in the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY24 NDAA).  

"I'm glad to see these important amendments included in the House NDAA. I will always work to continue strengthening the relationship with our most important ally in the Middle East," said Rep. Banks.


  • Rep. Banks’ Israel PGMs Assessment and Authority Extension amendment requires DOD to issue an assessment on the precision-guided munitions (PGMs) Israel needs to win a conflict with Iran and its proxies and a report on what the U.S. has done to help Israel meet this goal. It also extends soon-to-expire authorities to give Israel PGMs in the event of an emergency. 
  • Rep. Banks’ Retired Tankers for Israel amendment gives the president the authority to transfer retired or nearly-retired U.S. aerial refueling tankers to Israel in an emergency. 
  • Rep. Banks’ Prohibition on NDAA Funds to Iran amendment prohibits FY24 NDAA funds from directly or indirectly funding the Government of Iran, its agents or any person on relevant sanctions lists. 
  • Rep. Banks’ China Military Power Report amendment requires DOD’s annual Chinese Military Power Report to include China’s security cooperation with Iran.
  • Rep. Banks’ Prohibition on Funding Badr Organization amendment prohibits FY24 NDAA funds from funding the Badr Organization. 
  • Rep. Banks’ Israel Joint Strike Exercise amendment requiring CENTCOM to perform multiple joint strike exercises with our ally Israel was added to the base text of the FY24 NDAA during the House Armed Services Committee markup.

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