Rep. Banks’ Bill Would Close DoD’s Confucius Institute Funding Loophole

Today, Select Committee on China and House Armed Services Committee Member Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03) introduced the No Federal Funding for CCP Spying and Persuasion In Education Settings (SPIES) Act to close the Confucius Institute Waiver Program (CIWP) loophole and prohibits any DoD funding for colleges that host Confucius Institutes. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced Senate companion legislation.

Read the bill text HERE.

Said Rep. Jim Banks: “There is no situation where we should make it easier for the Chinese Communist Party to spy on our universities. Safeguarding American research by ensuring no DOD funds go to universities with Confucius Institutes is common sense and vital to our national security.”

Said Senator Marco Rubio: “U.S. taxpayer dollars should not be benefiting the CCP and its murderous regime. Confucius Institutes, which are directed by Beijing, have plagued college campuses in our nation with the CCP’s propaganda. There is no reason why the DoD should support these institutes.”

In April, Rep. Banks sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin about the loophole in the DoD’s guidance on Sec. 1062 of the FY2021 NDAA, which was passed to prohibit DoD from providing any funding to any institution of higher education that hosts a Confucius Institute.

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