Rep. Banks Slams Disney for Backing Out of Meeting with Uyghur Advocates

WASHINGTON—Today, Select Committee on China Member Jim Banks (IN-03) announced his letter to Disney CEO Bob Iger criticizing Disney representatives for cutting off communications with Uyghur advocates and genocide victims after initially agreeing to an off-the-record meeting. Read Rep. Banks’ letter HERE.

Said Congressman Banks: “Disney executives pulled out of an off the record meeting with Uyghur genocide victims. It couldn’t have been to protect Disney’s public image or bottom line, so maybe the executives were just worried about a good night’s sleep.  Whatever the reason, Disney publicly praised Chinese Communist Party agencies committing genocide and then privately scorned their victims. It’s time for Disney to own up to its mistakes and make amends.”

The correspondence described in the letter occurred in 2020, while Disney faced backlash from Rep. Banks and others for collaborating with Chinese state agencies that were actively participating in the Uyghur genocide during the production of Mulan. The letter asks Disney executives to meet with the Uyghur Human Rights Project, whose Chairman Nury Turkel recently testified about the Uyghur genocide at a China Select Committee hearing.  

Representatives Mike Gallagher, John Moolenaar, Neal Dunn, and Ashley Hinson cosigned Rep. Banks’ letter.

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