Rep. Jim Banks Reacts to Veto Override

FORT WAYNE—Today, Congressman Jim Banks released the following statement in response to the Indiana legislature overturning Governor Holcomb’s veto of HB 1041, legislation to prohibit biological males from competing in women’s or girl’s athletics in K-12 schools.  

“I’m proud of our statehouse for setting a good example for legislatures nationwide, and most of all, for standing up for Hoosier girls and their parents. I strongly believe that protecting women’s sports is an issue that will soon unite all Republicans and I am working hard to make sure that Congress passes similar legislation after we retake the majority.

Democrats and radical leftist groups like the ACLU are denying the fact that women exist and trying to take away their longstanding legal protections. Republicans must be strong and clear: We recognize obvious biological truths, we support female athlete’s right to compete on a level playing field, and we will preserve women’s right to privacy and safety in all single sex spaces, like locker-rooms, domestic violence shelters, bathrooms and federal prisons.

Indiana families are better off after today’s vote and I’m thankful to have state legislators who will fight for Hoosier values.”


Rep. Banks introduced a discharge petition for Rep. Greg Steube’s bill, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2021, which now has 183 cosigners including Leader McCarthy. If a majority of representatives sign a discharge petition, the Speaker must bring the bill to the floor for a vote.

Last week, Rep. Banks and Rep. Debbie Lesko introduced a “Women’s Bill of Rights,” legislation that reaffirms legal protections for women.

In March, Rep. Banks urged the General Assembly to “override the veto and send a message to the rest of the nation that Indiana values women.”

American Principles Project President Terry Schilling published a joint op-ed titled, “Republicans Must Fight for Girls’ Sports. 64.5% of Indiana voters support legislation banning biological males from competing in girls’ sports in K-12 schools, while just 26.7% oppose such legislation.


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