Jim Banks is Congress’s Most Prolific Critic of the Chinese Communist Party

WASHINGTON --  The UC San Diego China Data Lab released a study showing that during the 116th Congress, Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03) tweeted about China 585 times, more than any other member of Congress. In 2020, 90% of Republicans tweeted about China compared to just 71% of Democrats. Notably, in that time frame, Democrats sent about 60% more tweets than Republicans.

Said Rep. Banks: “Democrats are afraid to stand up to China on Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they don’t have the guts to stand up to China on the House floor. Their fake China bill doesn’t just fail to counter China—it actually helps China by lifting visa limits on high-skilled foreign nationals, failing to protect research from Chinese espionage and not enforcing Section 117 requirements. When Chairman Xi read the bill, he breathed a sigh of relief.  

Voters from both parties understand that China threatens the US. But somehow, in Congress, standing up to China has become a partisan issue and if that doesn’t change America will face a national security disaster.”


Rep. Banks’ tough criticism is bolstered by even tougher legislation. For example:

  • On March 18, Rep. Banks introduced the Safeguard Our Universities From Foreign Influence Actto strengthen disclosure requirements and enforcement for foreign gifts and contracts at U.S. universities.
  • This Congress, he introduced the Countering Communist China Act, the most serious and comprehensive bill to combat the China threat introduced in the 177th Congress.
  • Rep. Banks introduced the Countering Chinese Propaganda Act to authorizes sanctions against the United Front Work Department of the Chinese Communist Party, the Communist Party’s overseas influence wing.
  • Rep. Banks and the Republican Study Committee have led conservative opposition to Speaker Pelosi’s COMPETES Act, which he dubbed the CONCEDES Act. Read more here and here.


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