Rep. Banks, Sen. Cotton, 33 Colleagues Urge DOJ Investigation of China Daily FARA Violations

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03) and Senator Tom Cotton (AR), with 33 of their colleagues, sent a letter to Attorney General Barr urging him to investigate state-owned China Daily for apparent FARA violations.

“China Daily is a disgusting propaganda rag that’s used by the Chinese Communist Party to cover for the regimes’ ongoing atrocities.” said Banks. “If there’s one lesson from the Cold War, it’s that our victory was only possible because we convinced the world that democracy was superior to communist authoritarianism. Well, it looks like we have to fight that battle again—this time against a far wealthier and equally determined adversary. The federal government must use every weapon in its arsenal to ensure the triumph of our values—the consequences of failure are unspeakable.  

China Daily is a Chinese Communist Party-owned English language propaganda rag. The paper is a part of a foreign propaganda initiative to which the PRC committed $6.6 Billion in 2009. Since 2017, the PRC has spent $35 million on China Daily alone.

China Daily registered as a foreign agent under FARA in 1983. FARA requires registered foreign agents to provide the DOJ with copies of all propaganda “circulated among two or more persons." It also requires foreign agents to submit to the DOJ, biannually, an itemized report of their spending inside the United States.

China Daily has engaged in a controversial advertisement campaign in which it paid over 30 independent, mainstream newspapers to run “China Watch” articles. But China Daily neglected to report any ads purchased before 2012, even though it has paid for “China Watch” inserts for over 30 years. Additionally, China Daily never sent the DOJ itemized financial statements for their “China Watch” advertisements. Instead, the papers divided all its financial activity into “Total Costs of Goods Sold” and “Operation Expenses.”

The letter requests the DOJ submit its best estimate of the financial and legal consequences of China Daily’s alleged FARA violations. Additionally, the letter requests the DOJ prepare and present a report on China Daily’s compliance with FARA requirements.

 If you’d like a copy of Rep. Banks’ letter please email

List of Co-Signers

26 Representatives: Mark Walker, Ted Yoho, Van Taylor, Joe Wilson, Andy Biggs, Mike Gallagher, Mike Turner, Matt Gaetz, Bill Posey, Mike Rogers, Vicky Hartzler, Scott DesJarlais, Brian Babin, Doug Lamborn, Steve Chabot, David Rouzer , Randy Weber, Michael Waltz, John Ratcliffe, Ralph Norman, Jody Hice, Dan Crenshaw, Liz Cheney, Ralph Lee Abraham, Ron Wright, Greg Steube

7 Senators: Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, Josh Hawley, Rick Scott, Joni Ernst, Kelly Loeffler and Marco Rubio.


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