Banks Leads Indiana GOP Delegation Letter Supporting End of WOTUS

Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03) today led a letter signed by House Republican members of the Indiana delegation to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt and U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Chief Todd Semonite supporting President Donald Trump’s proposal to rescind the EPA’s “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule.

The original letter can be found here. In the letter, the members write:

Dear Administrator Pruitt and Lieutenant General Semonite:

The undersigned members of Congress write in support of the Administration’s recent efforts to review and rescind the controversial Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.1344). Following interagency review by the Office of Management and Budget, a proposal to withdraw the rule has been signed for publication in the Federal Register. Mirroring this proposal, this delegation also urges a permanent withdrawal of the current WOTUS rule and limitations on funding for any implementation.

Finalized on June 29, 2015, the Obama Administration’s WOTUS rule, if implemented would give the federal government excessive authority to regulate any body of water considered “navigable” in scope. While the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeal’s injunction temporarily blocked this rule’s implementation, it is still imperative that this unduly expansive rule be permanently rescinded. We believe that the definition of “navigable waters” is overly vague, exceeds the authority provided by Congress, and perpetually hinders the property rights of farmers, ranchers, and business owners across Indiana. Landowners subject to the rule are perfectly capable of protecting lands and keeping applicable waters free of pollution. Furthermore, permanent withdrawal of the current WOTUS rule will foster a regulatory environment that promotes, rather than punishes, economic productivity.

It is because of the concerns listed above that we support this Administration’s proposed rule to rescind the current WOTUS rule and proceed with development of a new rule that is more reflective of Congressional intent. We believe the American farmers, ranchers, landowners, and small business owners deserve a regulatory environment that incentivizes economic growth, minimizes uncertainty, and re-emphasizes respect for the roles of Congress and the states authorized under the Constitution.

We look forward to working with your agencies to coordinate this effort and firmly believe that a permanent withdrawal of the current WOTUS rule will best serve Indiana as well as this nation’s interests. Thank you for your attention to and thorough review of this matter.


Rep. Jim Banks

Rep. Jackie Walorski

Rep. Todd Rokita

Rep. Susan Brooks

Rep. Luke Messer

Rep. Larry Bucshon

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth


Interested members of the media may contact Anna Swick at

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